The power of the Sun seems to fade, the colors are going through another change. A well known autumn color-pallet is taking over the island: the leafs are slowly disappearing. The rains are getting more frequent, the weather grows colder. Air density and lower temperatures change the colors of sunrises and sunsets. Tree branches are almost left bare. The Sun hides away and clouds begin their dance. The wind grows rampant and clears everything that comes before it. Jugo shows its true face and prepares the island for winter.


Check out the locations of the photos + extra photos + bonus info = enjoy!


( Olive Tree grove | GPS Photo point: 45.034838, 14.583021 )


( Guvno | GPS Photo point: 45.128486, 14.603825 )


( Omišalj town | GPS of the subject: 45.211690, 14.554247 | GPS photo point: 45.193218, 14.557235 )


( Autumn colors | GPS photo point: 45.025597, 14.599592 )


( Church of st. Krševan | GPS of the subject: 45.095153, 14.455535 )


( Dawn in front of Krk | GPS of the subject: 45.018849, 14.571980 )


( Low cloud near the stone wall | GPS photo point: 45.006936, 14.684122 )


( Sheep herd in the mountain pass | GSP photo point: 44.988459, 14.698509 )


( Sheep near Vela Lokva | GPS of the subject: 45.004025, 14.686169 )


( Pier in Baška | GPS of the subject: 44.969688, 14.758060 )


( Bunculuka beach | GPS photo point: 44.968544, 14.771603 )


( Beli kamik beach | GPS of the subject: 45.018173, 14.569705 )


( Vrbnik winefield in autumn colors | GPS photo point: 45.070062, 14.659567 )


( Jugo in Krk | GPS photo point: 45.025296, 14.578771 )


( Power of the wind Jugo | GPS of the subject: 45.025164, 14.579465 )


( Day dawning over lake Ponikve with mist | GPS of the subject: 45.080459, 14.555188 )